
Frequency to Wavelength
- Calculates Wavelength (in millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer) from the Frequency (in GHz, MHz, KHz, Hz).
Wavelength to Frequency
- Calculates Frequency (in GHz, MHz, KHz, Hz) from Wavelength (in millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer).
Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Return Loss, Power Reflected, Power Transmitted conversions
- All Reflection Coefficient related calculations could be performed here.
Friis Transmission Equation
- Calculates Power at the receiver antenna using the Friis Transmission Equation and free space path loss.
EIRP ERP Calculator
- Calculates Effective Istotropic Radiated Power and Effective Radiated Power, provided Input Power, Antenna Gain and Cable Loss.
dBW, dBm, watt, milliwatt conversions
- Calculates power expressed in dBW, dBm, watt, milliwatt.
Effective Antenna Aperture
- Calculates the effective aperture area of antenna provided gain and frequency/wavelength is known.
Antenna near-field, far-field region
- Reactive near-field, radiating near-field (Fresnel) far-field (Fraunhofer) region.
Dipole Antenna Length Calculator \ Radiation Pattern
- Calculates length of wire dipole antenna and plots the normalized radiation pattern.
Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna Calculator
- Calculates dimensions of rectangular microstrip patch antenna, provided frequency, relative permittivity and height of the substrate. Output is length, width of patch, resonant input resistance.
Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna Calculator
- Calculates dimensions of circular microstrip patch antenna, provided frequency, relative permittivity and height of the substrate. Output is radius and effective radius of the circular patch.
Noise Temperature ↔ Noise Figure Calculator
- Calculates noise temperature from noise figure vice versa.
Noise Factor ↔ Noise Figure Calculator
- Calculates noise factor from noise figure vice versa.